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Impurity model with multiple ligand shells

asked by Ruiwen Xie (2021/11/26 10:47)

Dear Quanty developer,

When I was trying out the tutorial contributed by Robert Green in the workshop regarding the impurity model with multiple ligand shells (, R. Green, tutorial on models beyond multiplet ligand field theory), I noticed that in the script comment,

-- Impurity model with multiple ligand shells
-- Utilizes an elliptical hybridization function

--Now the hybridization part of the Hamiltonian                 
if(LigandGeometry == "Chain") then
  --For the chain geometry, the 3d shell couples to the first ligand
  --and the chain of ligands are coupled with hopping t=Bandwidth/4

  Hamiltonian = Hamiltonian +
                  Veg * OppVeg + Vt2g * OppVt2g +  --hopping from 3d to first ligand
                  BandWidth / 4.0 * (OppVegL + OppVt2gL)  --ligand-ligand hopping

  XASHamiltonian = XASHamiltonian +
                  VegF * OppVeg + Vt2gF * OppVt2g +  --hopping from 3d to first ligand
                  BandWidth / 4.0 * (OppVegL + OppVt2gL)  --ligand-ligand hopping

My question is, is BandWidth/4, the factor 1/4, from the layout of hybridization operator (each shell has 4 neighbours)? And the comment line mentions elliptical hybridization function, from where I can see that it is elliptical? I do not get why it is elliptical from the current script.

Thanks a lot for your time!

Best Regards, Ruiwen

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