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documentation:install:mathematica [2016/10/05 22:34] – created Maurits W. Haverkortdocumentation:install:mathematica [2016/10/10 09:40] (current) – external edit
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 +====== Mathematica ======
 +Quanty.nb contains standard Mathematica packages. In order to install such a package one has to copy the (unzipped) files into a specific folder that is in the search path of Mathematica. There is no additional installation needed.
 +===== Step one =====
 +Unzip the downloaded package. The unzipped folder should be named "Quanty".
 +===== Step two =====
 +In Mathematica evaluate the command \$UserBaseDirectory. Start a new session; type $UserBaseDirectory and type [shift]+[enter]. This will give you a path where the package has to be stored.
 +{{:documentation:install:installa.gif?nolink| }}
 +===== Step three =====
 +Move the folder "Quanty" which you have created by unzipping the downloaded file to the subfolder "Applications" in the path you obtained by evaluating the command "\$UserBaseDirectory".
 +{{:documentation:install:installb.gif?nolink| }}
 +On my computer the results can be seen in the screenshot above. In order to test if the package is installed correctly you can evaluate the command: 
 +This will give you a text message back with the version of the program. In order to see if the help files are installed correctly type "Quanty" in Mathematica and press [fn]+[F1] (Mac) or [F1] (Linux), the help browser should open with a link to the packages included in Quanty. Guides, tutorials, lectures and an index of all implemented functions can be found from there.