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forum:data:2023:directional_x-ray_spectroscopy_potential_bug [2023/04/08 00:59] Charles Cardotforum:data:2023:directional_x-ray_spectroscopy_potential_bug [2023/04/08 01:00] (current) Charles Cardot
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-When I stretch along the a-axis I get a tight binding Hamiltonian, HDFTthat looks like+When I stretch along the a-axis and go through the regular Wannierization process to create a tight binding Hamiltonian, I get an HDFT that looks like
 a_stretched_HDFT: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1sE72v2rbbPM9Bof4Hg_CgNgvqmtjKjYY/view?usp=share_link a_stretched_HDFT: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1sE72v2rbbPM9Bof4Hg_CgNgvqmtjKjYY/view?usp=share_link