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Quanty 2024 autumn version

Stability and bug repairs. Implementation of simplified DMFT self-consistency schemes using response functions.

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Quanty 2022 autumn version

Several new features related to life time and line widths. Improvements on the calculation of Colomb matrix elements.

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Quanty 2018 autumn version

Several new features related to band-structure DFT interfaces, ab initio ligand field theory and many more new features. Release 0.6 in November contains an important bug fixes compared to earlier 2018 autumn releases (I^2 was not -1 in some cases in version 0.5 October 2018).

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Quanty 2018 summer version

The 2018 summer version contains several bug fixes mostly related to memory management. Several updates on the algorithms are included that increase the calculation speed.

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Quanty 2016 version

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Quanty.nb provides several Mathematica packages that have similar functionality as Quanty, but now in the environment of Mathematica. Great for visualization, simple testing and analytical solutions, but much slower on large systems.

Download Quanty.nb a set of Mathematica packages
