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documentation:language_reference:objects:matrix:functions:random [2018/09/25 13:07] – created Simon Heinzedocumentation:language_reference:objects:matrix:functions:random [2018/09/25 14:36] (current) – Added Userdata Option Remark Simon Heinze
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 Matrix.Random({$min$,$max$},{$m$,$n$}) returns a matrix of size $m \times n$ where every entry is a random number between $min$ and $max$. Matrix.Random({$min$,$max$},{$m$,$n$}) returns a matrix of size $m \times n$ where every entry is a random number between $min$ and $max$.
 +If the option "Userdata" is set to true (default is false) the output is returned as a pointer rather than a table of tables (compare //[[documentation:language_reference:objects:matrix:functions:ToUserdata|Matrix.ToUserdata()]]//).
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