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documentation:language_reference:functions:newwavefunction [2022/09/30 10:30] Elmar Bittnerdocumentation:language_reference:functions:newwavefunction [2022/09/30 16:34] (current) Maurits W. Haverkort
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-//NewWavefunction(Nf, Nb, DeterminantTable)// creates a wave-function with $Nffermions and $Nbbosons as a sum over determinants given by the determinant table. Determinant Table is of the form of a string of 1's and 0's followed by a prefactor, for example: //{{"100000",math.sqrt(1/2)}, ...}//. NewWavefunction can take a forth element specifying options.+//NewWavefunction(Nf, Nb, DeterminantTable)// creates a wave-function with //Nf// fermions and //Nb// bosons as a sum over determinants given by the determinant table. Determinant Table is of the form of a string of 1's and 0's followed by a prefactor, for example: //{ {"100000",math.sqrt(1/2)}, ...}//. NewWavefunction can take a forth element specifying options.
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