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forum:data:2020:configuration_energies_in_ligand_field_calculations [2020/02/03 18:56] Maurits W. Haverkortforum:data:2020:configuration_energies_in_ligand_field_calculations [2020/02/03 18:56] (current) Maurits W. Haverkort
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 -- The $L^{10} d^n$   configuration has an energy 0 -- The $L^{10} d^n$   configuration has an energy 0
 -- The $L^9  d^{n+1}$ configuration has an energy $\Delta$ -- The $L^9  d^{n+1}$ configuration has an energy $\Delta$
 -- The $L^8  d^{n+2}$ configuration has an energy $2*\Delta+U_{dd}$ -- The $L^8  d^{n+2}$ configuration has an energy $2*\Delta+U_{dd}$