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documentation:language_reference:functions:rotate [2019/08/07 10:26] Simon Heinzedocumentation:language_reference:functions:rotate [2019/08/07 10:51] (current) – Major Update, including the mentioning of the rotation convention Simon Heinze
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 ### ###
-//Rotate($\psi$, $R$)// or //Rotate($O$, $R$)// rotates the basis of a wave-function or operator.+//Rotate($M$, $R$)//, //Rotate($\psi$, $R$)////Rotate($O$, $R$)// or //Rotate($TB$, $R$)// rotates the basis of a quadratic matrix, a wave-function, an operator, or a tight-binding object (passive transformation). For a matrix it thus returns $R^\ast \cdot M \cdot R^T$, where $R^\ast$ denotes the complex conjugate and $R^T$ the transpose of the rotation matrix $R$. 
 +$R$ needs to be a matrix of dimension $N_1\times N_2$, where $N_2$ equals the number of rows of $M$, or $N_{Fermion}+N_{Boson}$ of $\psi$, $O$ or $TB$. The rotation matrix $R$ is not required to be quadratic, it is therefore possible to use rotations to change the number of dimensions of the Hilbert-space. 
 +$R^\ast \cdot R^T = 1$ is not checked by Quanty, to allow scaling rotations. 
 ### ###
 ===== Input ===== ===== Input =====
-  * psi or Opp Wavefunction or operator +  * $M$, $\psi$, $O$ or $TB$ a quadratic (complex or real valued) matrix, a wave-function, an operator, or a tight-binding object. 
-  * rotmat matrix of dimension NFermion+NBoson (table of tables) or real or complex numbers+  * $R$ a complex or real valued generalised rotation matrix.
 ===== Output ===== ===== Output =====
-  * psi or Opp Wavefunction or operator+  * $M^\prime$, $\psi^\prime$, $O^\prime$ or $TB^\prime$ the rotated quadratic matrix, wave-function, operator, or tight-binding object.
 ===== Example ===== ===== Example =====