{{indexmenu_n>1}} ====== H atom ====== ### The following example shows calculations using the H atom. In this case the full wavefunction is analytically known and we thus can calculate the complete Hamiltonian. This example does not really use DFT, but shows how to calculate radial integrals from known wavefunctions. ### ===== Input ===== -- The calculations are done using a set of basis spin-orbitals -- These are very often given by some radial function times a spherical harmonic -- (or given by sum of these) -- Here I show for the very simple example of an H atom how one can calculate the -- appropriate integrals -- a gnuplot script to make the plots gnuplotInput = [[ set autoscale set xtic auto set ytic auto set style line 1 lt 1 lw 1 lc rgb "#FF0000" set style line 2 lt 1 lw 1 lc rgb "#0000FF" set style line 3 lt 1 lw 1 lc rgb "#00C000" set style line 4 lt 1 lw 1 lc rgb "#FF00FF" set style line 5 lt 1 lw 1 lc rgb "#00FFFF" set style line 6 lt 1 lw 1 lc rgb "#000000" set ylabel "Rnl" font "Times,12" set xlabel "r(A)" font "Times,12" set out 'HWaveFunctions.ps' set size 1.0, 1.0 set terminal postscript portrait enhanced color "Times" 8 plot "Radial" using 1:2 title "R_{1s}(r)" with lines ls 1 plot "Radial" using 1:3 title "R_{2s}(r)" with lines ls 1,\ "Radial" using 1:4 title "R_{2p}(r)" with lines ls 2 plot "Radial" using 1:5 title "R_{3s}(r)" with lines ls 1,\ "Radial" using 1:6 title "R_{3p}(r)" with lines ls 2,\ "Radial" using 1:7 title "R_{3d}(r)" with lines ls 3 plot "Radial" using 1:8 title "R_{4s}(r)" with lines ls 1,\ "Radial" using 1:9 title "R_{4p}(r)" with lines ls 2,\ "Radial" using 1:10 title "R_{4d}(r)" with lines ls 3,\ "Radial" using 1:11 title "R_{4f}(r)" with lines ls 4 plot "Radial" using 1:12 title "R_{5s}(r)" with lines ls 1,\ "Radial" using 1:13 title "R_{5p}(r)" with lines ls 2,\ "Radial" using 1:14 title "R_{5d}(r)" with lines ls 3,\ "Radial" using 1:15 title "R_{5f}(r)" with lines ls 4,\ "Radial" using 1:16 title "R_{5g}(r)" with lines ls 5 set ylabel "" font "Times,12" set xlabel "q(A^{-1})" font "Times,12" i=1 do for [n1=1:3] { do for [l1=0:n1-1] { do for [n2=1:3] { do for [l2=0:n2-1] { do for [k=abs(l1-l2):l1+l2:2] { i=i+1 plot "Bessel" using 1:(column(i)) title "\n"); dr=0.01 Nr=5000 for n=1, 5, 1 do for l=0, n-1, 1 do sum=0 for ir = 0, Nr, 1 do r = ir*dr sum = sum + dr * r^2 * Rnl(n,l,r,1)^2 end io.write(string.format("%15.8E ",sum)) end io.write("\n") end -- average distance io.write("\n [units of A]\n"); dr=0.01 Nr=5000 for n=1, 5, 1 do for l=0, n-1, 1 do sum=0 for ir = 0, Nr, 1 do r = ir*dr sum = sum + dr * r^2 * r * Rnl(n,l,r,1)^2 end io.write(string.format("%15.8E ",sum)) end io.write("\n") end -- average distance io.write("\n [units of a0]\n"); dr=0.01 Nr=5000 for n=1, 5, 1 do for l=0, n-1, 1 do sum=0 for ir = 0, Nr, 1 do r = ir*dr sum = sum + dr * r^2 * r * Rnl(n,l,r,1)^2 / a0 end io.write(string.format("%15.8E ",sum)) end io.write("\n") end -- dipole moments io.write("\n [units of a0]\n"); dr=0.01 Nr=5000 io.write(" R(1s) R(2s) R(2p) R(3s) R(3p) R(3d)\n") for n1=1, 3, 1 do for l1=0, n1-1, 1 do io.write(string.format("R(%i %i) ",n1,l1)) for n2=1, 3, 1 do for l2=0, n2-1, 1 do sum=0 for ir = 0, Nr, 1 do r = ir*dr sum = sum + dr * r^2 * Rnl(n1,l1,r,1) * r * Rnl(n2,l2,r,1) / a0 end io.write(string.format("%15.8E ",sum)) end end io.write("\n") end end -- Slater Integrals io.write("\n and [units of Rydberg]\n"); dr=0.05 Nr=1000 for n1=1, 3, 1 do for l1=0, n1-1, 1 do for n2=1, 3, 1 do for l2=0, n2-1, 1 do io.write(string.format("R1(%i %i) R2(%i %i) ",n1,l1,n2,l2)) for k=0, 2*math.min(l1,l2), 2 do io.write(string.format("F[%i]= ",k)) sum=0 for ir1 = 1, Nr, 1 do r1 = ir1*dr for ir2 = 1, Nr, 1 do r2 = ir2*dr sum = sum + a0 * dr^2* r1^2 * r2^2 * Rnl(n1,l1,r1,1)^2 * Rnl(n2,l2,r2,1)^2 * math.min(r1,r2)^k / math.max(r1,r2)^(k+1) end end io.write(string.format("%15.8E ",sum)) end io.write("\n") io.write(string.format(" ")) for k=math.abs(l1-l2), l1+l2, 2 do io.write(string.format("G[%i]= ",k)) sum=0 for ir1 = 1, Nr, 1 do r1 = ir1*dr for ir2 = 1, Nr, 1 do r2 = ir2*dr sum = sum + a0 * dr^2* r1^2 * r2^2 * Rnl(n1,l1,r1,1) * Rnl(n1,l1,r2,1) * Rnl(n2,l2,r1,1) * Rnl(n2,l2,r2,1) * math.min(r1,r2)^k / math.max(r1,r2)^(k+1) end end io.write(string.format("%15.8E ",sum)) end io.write("\n") end end end end -- Expectation value of bessel functions -- q in units of inverse bohr radii file = io.open("Bessel", "w") file:write(" "); for n1=1, 3, 1 do for l1=0, n1-1, 1 do for n2=1, 3, 1 do for l2=0, n2-1, 1 do for k=math.abs(l1-l2), l1+l2, 2 do file:write(string.format("%2i %2i %2i %2i %2i ",n1,l1,n2,l2,k)); end end end end end file:write("\n") dr=0.05 Nr=1000 dq=0.1 Nq=100 for iq=0, Nq, 1 do q = iq*dq file:write(string.format("%15.8E ",q)) for n1=1, 3, 1 do for l1=0, n1-1, 1 do for n2=1, 3, 1 do for l2=0, n2-1, 1 do for k=math.abs(l1-l2), l1+l2, 2 do sum=0 for ir = 0, Nr, 1 do r = ir*dr sum = sum + dr * r^2 * Rnl(n1,l1,r,1) * math.SphericalBesselJ(k,q*r) * Rnl(n2,l2,r,1) end file:write(string.format("%15.8E ",sum)) end end end end end file:write("\n") end -- write the gnuplot script to a file file = io.open("HWaveFunctions.gnuplot", "w") file:write(gnuplotInput) file:close() -- call gnuplot to execute the script os.execute("gnuplot HWaveFunctions.gnuplot ; ps2pdf HWaveFunctions.ps") ===== Result ===== The text output of the example is: 9.99999991E-01 9.99999999E-01 1.00000000E+00 1.00000000E+00 1.00000000E+00 1.00000000E+00 1.00000000E+00 1.00000000E+00 1.00000000E+00 1.00000000E+00 9.99996618E-01 9.99997469E-01 9.99998634E-01 9.99999518E-01 9.99999915E-01 [units of A] 7.93765819E-01 3.17506327E+00 2.64588605E+00 7.14389235E+00 6.61471514E+00 5.55636071E+00 1.27002531E+01 1.21710758E+01 1.11127214E+01 9.52518980E+00 1.98439701E+01 1.93148370E+01 1.82565430E+01 1.66690572E+01 1.45523689E+01 [units of a0] 1.50000000E+00 6.00000000E+00 5.00000000E+00 1.35000000E+01 1.25000000E+01 1.05000000E+01 2.40000000E+01 2.30000000E+01 2.10000000E+01 1.80000000E+01 3.74996687E+01 3.64997521E+01 3.44998663E+01 3.14999528E+01 2.74999917E+01 [units of a0] R(1s) R(2s) R(2p) R(3s) R(3p) R(3d) R(1 0) 1.50000000E+00 -5.58701653E-01 1.29026620E+00 -2.43569644E-01 5.16689243E-01 3.85117423E-01 R(2 0) -5.58701653E-01 6.00000000E+00 -5.19615242E+00 -1.85110879E+00 3.06481541E+00 -5.93938418E+00 R(2 1) 1.29026620E+00 -5.19615242E+00 5.00000000E+00 9.38404238E-01 -1.76947200E+00 4.74799161E+00 R(3 0) -2.43569644E-01 -1.85110879E+00 9.38404238E-01 1.35000000E+01 -1.27279221E+01 9.48683298E+00 R(3 1) 5.16689243E-01 3.06481541E+00 -1.76947200E+00 -1.27279221E+01 1.25000000E+01 -1.00623059E+01 R(3 2) 3.85117423E-01 -5.93938418E+00 4.74799161E+00 9.48683298E+00 -1.00623059E+01 1.05000000E+01 and [units of Rydberg] R1(1 0) R2(1 0) F[0]= 6.25361997E-01 G[0]= 6.25361997E-01 R1(1 0) R2(2 0) F[0]= 2.09911370E-01 G[0]= 2.19839069E-02 R1(1 0) R2(2 1) F[0]= 2.42809270E-01 G[1]= 5.12484496E-02 R1(1 0) R2(3 0) F[0]= 9.94970763E-02 G[0]= 5.77815972E-03 R1(1 0) R2(3 1) F[0]= 1.08828908E-01 G[1]= 1.36070257E-02 R1(1 0) R2(3 2) F[0]= 1.11022542E-01 G[2]= 1.23687003E-03 R1(2 0) R2(1 0) F[0]= 2.09911370E-01 G[0]= 2.19839069E-02 R1(2 0) R2(2 0) F[0]= 1.50397569E-01 G[0]= 1.50397569E-01 R1(2 0) R2(2 1) F[0]= 1.62113568E-01 G[1]= 8.79037050E-02 R1(2 0) R2(3 0) F[0]= 8.41155296E-02 G[0]= 7.47769953E-03 R1(2 0) R2(3 1) F[0]= 9.00128174E-02 G[1]= 8.49566045E-03 R1(2 0) R2(3 2) F[0]= 1.03579160E-01 G[2]= 3.65275093E-02 R1(2 1) R2(1 0) F[0]= 2.42809270E-01 G[1]= 5.12484496E-02 R1(2 1) R2(2 0) F[0]= 1.62113568E-01 G[1]= 8.79037050E-02 R1(2 1) R2(2 1) F[0]= 1.81647891E-01 F[2]= 8.79269507E-02 G[0]= 1.81647891E-01 G[2]= 8.79269507E-02 R1(2 1) R2(3 0) F[0]= 8.67567735E-02 G[1]= 9.42538747E-03 R1(2 1) R2(3 1) F[0]= 9.39457829E-02 F[2]= 2.58889132E-02 G[0]= 9.91050614E-03 G[2]= 1.13319343E-02 R1(2 1) R2(3 2) F[0]= 1.06331648E-01 F[2]= 3.71302391E-02 G[1]= 3.73743204E-02 G[3]= 2.18070620E-02 R1(3 0) R2(1 0) F[0]= 9.94970763E-02 G[0]= 5.77815972E-03 R1(3 0) R2(2 0) F[0]= 8.41155296E-02 G[0]= 7.47769953E-03 R1(3 0) R2(2 1) F[0]= 8.67567735E-02 G[1]= 9.42538747E-03 R1(3 0) R2(3 0) F[0]= 6.64069248E-02 G[0]= 6.64069248E-02 R1(3 0) R2(3 1) F[0]= 6.87938354E-02 G[1]= 4.23190720E-02 R1(3 0) R2(3 2) F[0]= 7.31340175E-02 G[2]= 2.27882524E-02 R1(3 1) R2(1 0) F[0]= 1.08828908E-01 G[1]= 1.36070257E-02 R1(3 1) R2(2 0) F[0]= 9.00128174E-02 G[1]= 8.49566045E-03 R1(3 1) R2(2 1) F[0]= 9.39457829E-02 F[2]= 2.58889132E-02 G[0]= 9.91050614E-03 G[2]= 1.13319343E-02 R1(3 1) R2(3 0) F[0]= 6.87938354E-02 G[1]= 4.23190720E-02 R1(3 1) R2(3 1) F[0]= 7.18684241E-02 F[2]= 3.59914255E-02 G[0]= 7.18684241E-02 G[2]= 3.59914255E-02 R1(3 1) R2(3 2) F[0]= 7.69318422E-02 F[2]= 3.61349053E-02 G[1]= 3.41809433E-02 G[3]= 2.40553028E-02 R1(3 2) R2(1 0) F[0]= 1.11022542E-01 G[2]= 1.23687003E-03 R1(3 2) R2(2 0) F[0]= 1.03579160E-01 G[2]= 3.65275093E-02 R1(3 2) R2(2 1) F[0]= 1.06331648E-01 F[2]= 3.71302391E-02 G[1]= 3.73743204E-02 G[3]= 2.18070620E-02 R1(3 2) R2(3 0) F[0]= 7.31340175E-02 G[2]= 2.27882524E-02 R1(3 2) R2(3 1) F[0]= 7.69318422E-02 F[2]= 3.61349053E-02 G[1]= 3.41809433E-02 G[3]= 2.40553028E-02 R1(3 2) R2(3 2) F[0]= 8.60467604E-02 F[2]= 4.54247742E-02 F[4]= 2.96291766E-02 G[0]= 8.60467604E-02 G[2]= 4.54247742E-02 G[4]= 2.96291766E-02 The created pdf is: {{ :documentation:tutorials:connection_to_dft:hwavefunctions.pdf |HWaveFunctions.pdf}} ===== Table of contents ===== {{indexmenu>.#1|msort}}